Volunteer Sri Lanka

මියගිය විට හෙලන කඳුලකට වඩා , ජීවත්ව සිටියදී මිනිසෙකු වෙනුවෙන් පුදන සිනහව, කරුණාව හා ආදරය වටී.🤍🕊


Volunteers Since 2019


People We Helped since 2019

Rs 0 Mn

Funds We Collected

Help The Poors With Volunteer Sri Lanka Organization

Volunteer Sri Lanka

Volunteer Sri Lanka is a reputable social service and charitable organization founded in 2017 by Mr. Pramila Pulochana Silva. Our volunteer organization is based with a clear vision to create a positive, lasting impact on the community by addressing critical social, environmental, and health challenges. We are a group of dedicated individuals who believe in the power of collective action to drive meaningful change. Through our diverse range of programs and initiatives, we aim to uplift lives, promote well-being, and foster a culture of compassion and responsibility.

We believe that true progress lies in empowering communities, educating future generations, and working together to create a pollution-free, socially inclusive, and healthier world for all. As an organization, we are committed to the principles of sustainable development, aligning our efforts with global goals to build a better, more equitable future for everyone.

Through the dedication and collaboration of our volunteers, we continue to expand our reach and impact, creating lasting change one step at a time.



Protect and enhance poverty.
23 Cases Report
Donation Needed

Mission is Give for People

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

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Multiple Event & Conference

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.

We Need Donations

Rs1,200 Raised so far Rs5,000,000 Our Goal

Please Select


All donations are tax deductable.
We’re non-profit charity.

Give A Helping Hand For Needy People

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We Help Thousand Of Peoples

Our Volunteers

Have Any Question

+94 71 781 1711